Work Experience at the BBC
- There are plenty of opportunities for work experience at the BBC.
- This is definitely something to look into if you are thinking about a career in media – the BBC is a world-leading broadcast organisation.
- Each year the BBC invites over 1,000 people to take part in work experience. These are two week opportunities for you to come and see how the BBC works.
- Work experience placements are on offer at various locations across the UK, each one unique and tailored to your interests.
- You’ll come away with stronger skills and something unique for your CV.
- There are all sorts of placements on offer, from television and radio to news and journalism.
- Most opportunities are available to young people aged 16-18 years.
- NB: Work experience is unpaid but the BBC we will reimburse travel expenses for up to £15 per days attended.
- Dates and deadlines for applications vary for each category and location, so it’s best to check out the individual work experience opportunities on offer.
- Before you can apply for work experience, you’ll need to register and set up an online profile.
- This will allow the BBC team to find out a bit about you and why you are interested in work experience.
- You’ll also be asked to express a preference about dates, location and business area. The team will then try to match you with a suitable placement.
- Do make sure you check the deadlines for individual opportunities in your chosen location.