Qualifications explained…
Showing you the existing qualifications and courses you can take at school, college or the workplace.
The table below- The Regulated Qualifications Framework– shows a number of existing qualifications and courses you can take at school, college, university or the workplace.
3 A Level | AS Levels | Cambridge Pre-U | Advanced Apprenticeships | International Baccalaureate Diploma | Extended Project Qualificaytion (EPQ) | Cambridge Techs | City & Guilds Advanced Technical Certificates | Level 3 NVQ | Music Grade 6, 7, 8
2 GCSE and iGCSE (grades 4-9) | Intermediate Apprenticeship | International Baccalaureate- MYP | Welsh & Scottish Baccalaureates | Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) | City & Guilds Advanced Technical & OCR Cambridge Nationals | BTEC Firsts | Level 2 NVQ | Music Grades 5, 6
1 GCSE (grades 1-3) | Music Grades 1, 2, 3